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5 Health Screening Misconceptions You Need to Stop Believing

You may have heard of certain things about health screenings that deterred you from going for one. But are those...

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4 Essential Tips for a Healthier Skin Barrier

Did you know that the skin is our body’s largest organ? With our skin exposed to daily environmental stressors such...

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Adult Eczema: Understanding and Managing with Self-care

Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that can take a physical and mental toll on those who are afflicted with...

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Five Tips to Quit Smoking

We are all well aware of the ill effects of smoking, thanks to years of public education. But why do...

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Sun Protection Tips for Your Skin

With a tremendous heatwave looming over our always-sunny Singapore, the temptation to stay indoors grows stronger. Yet, for outdoor enthusiasts...

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What to Expect When You are Expecting: Guide for Parents-To-Be

If you are having a baby on the way, congratulations! The path to parenthood is filled with joy and excitement...

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What Your Urine Says About Your Health

Did you know that the appearance of urine can provide vital clues about our health? Besides being a waste product...

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Tips to Staying Healthy and Living a 龙 Life!

Start the new year right! As we indulge ourselves this season with a wide array of festive delights, it is...

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A Cancer That Can Be Prevented with Vaccination?

Did you know that cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women globally1? Every year, more than 200...

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Your Guide to Health Screening Tests in Singapore

Getting the correct health screening tests or package is tricky business. If you do a quick search about this topic...

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First Aid 101: 5 Essential Skills Everyone Should Know

Imagine this scenario: someone suddenly starts choking and requires immediate help. What would you do? Handling such emergencies can feel...

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What You Need to Know About Influenza Vaccination

What is influenza and how does it affect me? Seasonal influenza, commonly called “the flu,” is caused by influenza viruses...

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6 Effective Ways to Keep Your Brain Young

Physical exercise and a healthy diet are undoubtedly essential to achieving good health. The brain health aspect, however, often goes...

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6 Medical Tests to Diagnose Heart Problems

Did you know that your heart is one of the most powerful organs in the human body? It consistently pumps...

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Atopic Dermatitis: Can your child’s eczema cause a food allergy?

Managing your child’s eczema and other allergies can be stressful and tricky, but you are not alone. According to the...

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Unhealthy COVID-19 lifestyle habits you need to kick

Living through and experiencing a pandemic like COVID-19 has brought about many changes and adjustments in our lives. Some of...

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Debunking myths about fertility; your first step to family planning

No matter which stage of your relationship you and your partner are at, it is important for couples to take...

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How to prevent and protect yourself from dengue

While the world battles and remembers 2020 as the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, another pestilence lurks in the shadows...

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5 Common Myths about Stroke

Are you stroke conscious enough? Equip yourself with knowledge of stroke to prevent, respond and manage better when a stroke...

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Signs of stroke and how to prevent it

How to spot a stroke? Time is of crucial essence in stroke treatment. Treatment for ischemic stroke is most beneficial...

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How to turn your mooncakes into a healthier snack

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Mooncake Festival, is widely celebrated in most East Asian communities. It is usually...

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How to Spot and Cope with Anxiety

Could you be facing anxiety? Most people may not have lived through and experienced a pandemic like COVID-19. The adjustment...

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How To Properly Remove And Dispose Of Your Face Mask

Your face mask is your protective gear but it can also be a deadly weapon when it is not being...

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5 Ways to Keep Your Immune System Strong

A strong immune system keeps sickness at bay. Unfortunately, with the stress and hustle and bustle of modern living, our...

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Chicken pox vs Measles; Myths and Misconceptions

How well do you understand chicken pox and measles? Both infections are more prevalent with young children under five, but...

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Durian: How Good (or Bad) is it for You?

Mao Shan Wang, XO Durians, D24 Durians – these are some of the more popular durian cultivars many people will...

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5 Tips To Support Your Kids During Exams

From attempting past years' exam questions to last minute cramming sessions, studying for exams can stress your kids out. As...

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